Kubernetes CTF- WIZ K8s LAN Party

6 min readAug 20, 2024

Challenge: Recon


DNSing with the stars
You have shell access to compromised a Kubernetes pod at the bottom of this page, and your next objective is to compromise other internal services further.

As a warmup, utilize DNS scanning to uncover hidden internal services and obtain the flag. We have โ€œloaded your machine with dnscan to ease this process for further challenges.

All the flags in the challenge follow the same format: wiz_k8s_lan_party{*}

Checking current permissions-

 kubectl auth can-i --list

Environment variables-

Found subdomains in .kube folder-




Written by n00๐Ÿ”‘

Computer Security Enthusiast. Usually plays HTB (ID-23862). https://www.youtube.com/@pswalia2u https://www.linkedin.com/in/pswalia2u/ Instagram @pswalia4u

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