Cloudgoat AWS CTF solution- Scenerio 9 (codebuild_secrets)

6 min readOct 24, 2022

Scenerio 9- codebuild_secrets

git clone
cd cloudgoat
chmod +x
./ config whitelist --auto
./ create codebuild_secrets

Scenario Resources

1 CodeBuild Project

1 Lambda function

1 VPC with:

  • RDS x 1
  • EC2 x 1

2 IAM Users

Scenario Start(s)

IAM User “Solo”

Scenario Goal(s)

A pair of secret strings stored in a secure RDS database.


Starting as the IAM user Solo, the attacker first enumerates and explores CodeBuild projects, finding unsecured IAM keys for the IAM user Calrissian therein. Then operating as Calrissian, the attacker discovers an RDS database. Unable to access the database’s contents directly, the attacker can make clever use of the RDS snapshot functionality to acquire the scenario’s goal: a pair of secret strings.

Alternatively, the attacker may explore SSM parameters and find SSH keys to an EC2 instance. Using the metadata service, the…

